Interesting day yesterday. Got up, had some breakfast and then decide to go for a walk around Beacon Hill as it was a lovely sunny autumn day.
As we had some some gardening the previous weekend, we had some garden waste to take to the tip, so decided to take that before going to Beacon Hill.
Had a lovely walk around Beacon Hill, and then popped in to Tesco's for some potatoes for the roast we were having for dinner.
Arrived back at the house at about 1:30 but couldn't actually get into our house until 3:30!
The problem was we'd left the house via the garage, and I had forgotten to take the bolt off the front door before we left. We use the bolt to lock the door when we are in, and overnight. So when we returned, Kirsten unlocked the door with the key, but it wouldn't open due to it being bolted at the top.
A few phone calls later and an hour and a half wait the cavalry arrived in the form of a Locksmith. Fortunately we have a conservatory, so he set about drilling through the lock in the French doors. 30 mins later he's in and we can finally have some lunch...
After fitting replacement lock barrels everything was put right, apart from the £140 dent in my wallet!