Tuesday 21 August 2007

Bad Apple

Some would say I am an Apple fan boy. Well not everything Apple does is good. Take blogging for example. I have the Apple iLife suite and this contains an application for Web site creation called iWeb (original name there Apple!).

Well I created a blog using it and I'm sorry to say it's rubbish. Firstly, it takes ages to display, so I'd expect most visitors to just give up. Secondly, on IE7 you get a page error, and finally the RSS and Search bits don't work. If you want to look at how bad it is check it out here Mac Blog

From an authoring point of view, it's not that good either, for example I can only edit the pages from one machine, and it takes quite a while to upload any new posts added.

So I've given up and switched over to blogger instead.

1 comment:

jlwarlow said...

I like the theme of your mac blog. I keep searching for a decent one to replace the standard wordpress one I'm using.